Hey Everybody! I've got some news, not bad but not good either. I need more people who wish to help in the Flashes and movies I am trying to make. I've got some helpers who have hit some snaggs, but they are as human as I am and we can't make them like machines at a factory. ( plus the machines have health benefits that we don't get . . . sad really.) More to the point anyone who can help at all or just want to help anyway just throw me a message and I will get to it ASAP.
Reaching out for fellow Necrozen Clowns,
P.S. ---- Hokus Pokus!!!
Gotta love Afro Samurai :D
Oh, and try registering for a flash forum, there are plenty of examples and people to help you there :)
You are a true friend . . . and i dont even Know Ya!! Thanks for the advice.
Hokus Pokus!!